Re-discover the old
The other day, while spending some time on his tummy, my 3-month old son discovered his hand for the first time. He was transfixed. He must have stared at it for 5 minutes before he rolled over, discovered our skylight, and was again transfixed for minutes.
In my own day-to-day routine, I never stop to marvel stuff. I take the world around me for granted because I've "already seen it". Rather, I think if I stopped to re-discover my hand, our skylight, my raisin bran, I'd be more inspired and would generate more ideas.
It reminded me of a session I once attended with Jon Pearson a creative facilitator who described in great detail all kinds of amazing, everyday visuals. "Have you ever seen the inside of a dog's ear? I mean, REALLY seen it? It's crazy. It's a bloody labyrinth in there..." and from there he went on and on. I realized I had never REALLY looked inside a dog's ear. But more importantly, I realized I had never REALLY looked at all kinds of things.
So, today I encourage you to re-discover some oridinary object. See what you find.
In my own day-to-day routine, I never stop to marvel stuff. I take the world around me for granted because I've "already seen it". Rather, I think if I stopped to re-discover my hand, our skylight, my raisin bran, I'd be more inspired and would generate more ideas.
It reminded me of a session I once attended with Jon Pearson a creative facilitator who described in great detail all kinds of amazing, everyday visuals. "Have you ever seen the inside of a dog's ear? I mean, REALLY seen it? It's crazy. It's a bloody labyrinth in there..." and from there he went on and on. I realized I had never REALLY looked inside a dog's ear. But more importantly, I realized I had never REALLY looked at all kinds of things.
So, today I encourage you to re-discover some oridinary object. See what you find.
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