Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Cultural Movement? Don't believe the hype.

I just read this article on how marketing firm, Strawberry Frog, helped Microsoft create a "Cultural Movement" for its Accounting software.

They basically created a website (which I mentioned way back in 2006), and an accompanying campaign to solicit business ideas... the winner receiving a NY storefront and some monetary support.

More than one thousand ideas were submitted... but is this really a "Cultural Movement"? It's early here, so maybe I'm just cranky, but this strikes me as unbelievable BS. They created a website, TV ads, and posters. Does that constitute a "Cultural Movement"? To me, it just sounds more like "Marketing".

A "Cultural Movement" is something that fundamentally changes the behavior of large numbers of people; that impacts or changes lives; that alters the social landscape. Fact of the matter is that Strawberry Frog's ideawins campaign will fade away as do 99.9% of marketing campaigns... and that is not a movement.

To help Strawberry Frog comprehend their hyperbole, what are some examples of recent Cultural Movements? I'd start with portable music, blogging, open source... not a campaign for accounting software. This kind of hyperbole is bad for the innovation space.


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