Saturday, November 18, 2006

Music and Ideas

(Scott) How do you use music to inspire ideas? Do you have a fail-safe genre that you turn to in order to get your mental gears turning? Are you a jazz person? Classical? Rock 'n' roll?

Or, even better, is there a particular song that you have come to rely on to get you thinking? If yes, please share!

And finally, do you think it is easier to create ideas when listening to music with or without lyrics? Are the lyrics distracting, or do the words in fact inspire new ideas?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the radio - especially if you change stations randomly every so often - you get a great insight into the listeners of different stations, and the variety of music and announcers allows you to find lots of different access points for inspiration.

11/19/2006 12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Music certainly inspires ideas - look at the Renault shaking your arse ad... the ad creation started from the Fat Boy Slim's tune.

Are lyrics distracting? Not sure, I think music is distracting

11/24/2006 1:11 PM  

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